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Where there's a will, there's a way 

As a specialized supplier of textile raw materials and lifestyle products, we supply textile materials to domestic manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers in the most suitable form.

The company's origins can be traced back to 1908. As times change, productions of textile raw materials have shifted from Japan to overseas.

and textile products have changed from OEM to fabless manufactring to meet the times.

The growing interest in sustainability, demographic changes due to declining and aging populations, and the rapid progress of digitalization and AI technology are calling for us to consider what added values are.

We believe that the first step toward further evolution is "will".


We want to be a "good company,

a good company for customers,

a good company for workers,

and a good company for society.


We practice all that is necessary under the themes of business, human resources, and evolution in order to develop both ourselves and others.

We would appreciate your continued support.


CEO Yasuhiro Toshima

January, 2024